Al final nos hemos liado la manta a la cabeza e hicimos una escapadita a Oviedo. Por fin visite el Ikea y la verdad es que me llevé un gran chasco porque si, está muy bien en plan muebles económicos pero lo que son complementos, en Pórtico o en Casa que si los tenemos en Vigo tienen cosas también muy chulas. Pero me gustó, las cosas como son y encima me di el capricho y me compré alguna que otra cosilla (pa'que negarlo). De regreso hicimos un alto en la playa de las Catedrales en Lugo, ya había ido pero me encanta, is a beautiful place so I do not care to repeat as many times as. You can see photos on my flickr .
The 3-star hotel (there was nothing and that was fucked Asturias) where we stayed, 10 minutes from Oviedo, gave us a room, we was all destroyed, did not work the heating or air conditioning, the knob of the bathroom door was broken and we blew up € 70 + VAT per night, in a buffet dinner put some toast, and I wonder who wore say tomato, cheese and bacon, when I tried color fliplé , had no bacon, they echo a bologna puree with olives chunga breakfast and had since for dinner, I finally poisoned and protest, the receptionist over at once to reassure me that is normal (I say), give an apology and behave politely, I said that I was wrong in the end after much horse-trading and to see that every time I was angry over switched us to a suite, not less. I got so angry I went down to make a complaint and he was very nervous, he said he could not find it and gave me the morning, I said no, he wanted it ready as we were early and the end came. I do not understand why I was so nervous until I saw it, thought it was an internal complaint of such improvement, but it was of going to the council. He gave me so much pain, had told us they were starting and that the rooms were bad for a group that had a high school broke them all, which ultimately did not put it on, I settled for the protest and changing room. Nor should it go super-bad for life. Around
stopped at O \u200b\u200bRei das Cakes, that laugh, the cakes are very rich but food plan ... over meals and do not let you change anything, never in my life had been such a thing. I ordered a combination plate that had salad and I told the waiter if I could change a little salad and he said he could not, okay, I say that then bring it to me and when you bring the dish, swish, came with it, obviously I say I do not love me and says, "Oh, sorry was a kitchen error, but if you do not want to eat and you're" freaked, so I ask you a dessert plate to remove it and when it brings (the reluctantly) runs into the glass of my husband and zaca, coca-cola all over, thank goodness we have good reflexes and not stained. Comes to clean the table and goes to scrub the floor so we take and we say that we change our site which is not great but it seemed like he gave me. Almost, that we leave with pay for food, hahaha. It really is the first time something happens to us. Haha, well, stories.
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