While listening to the tune of "Out of Africa" \u200b\u200bI start to remember. These were days of not thinking, suffering from amnesia that the mind exercises in self-defense for not going crazy.
has always supported me respecting my independence. I've helped to put "feet on the ground" and if ever I felt lost, you've given me light to find what he wanted. I weep for the kisses that I wanted to say and not because of my pride elusive to you.
fuzzy images I remember from my childhood when I was forced to eat. For a woman like you, who survived the civil war, it was essential to feed the family well. I also remember when I threw our hair pomade for my hair so long that I had, and I wanted to cut as I did with my dolls. This time, they walk through the port of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bwe met many people and a lady in a black car told me to come to her, I grabbed you and Dad did not want that lady to take me, I did not care Franco and his wife was Carmen Franco Polo, as it were, those asking me to approach.
Now, when I went to work, my first greeting was for you, when I returned my first encounter was for you.
chair sit-in, asking not to disturb anything, praying your rosary and looking at the trees through the window, were leaving to spend hours with an inner peace does not understand my crazy life. When I came to your side, you put in a wheelchair, I filled a bottle of water and watered the plants of the room that had bought for you. Well have been months where I passed a peace that I keep in my heart.
remember one spring evening I had a wedding of some friends who waited with great enthusiasm. We report that that day my mother had entered the hospital and was safe. Carlos and I do not know what to do. I told her and she replied: Encarnita, is that Carlos is a doctor? What she needs is a doctor and is serviced. Go to the wedding and will go tomorrow to see her. Those words left me speechless. Encouraged me to do what we wanted and recuperate for whatever might come.
Her life is a book to write, an adventure full of joy and suffering, a woman fair, practical, advanced ideas, solidarity, as her own manager and a great woman.
Mom, you were always by my side and we're still close my eyes and feel the melody of Out of Africa is yours.
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