Sunday, February 13, 2011

Should There Be Skin In My Cervical Mucus

Finally I'm back and eager to move things.

Finally the day came to the reopening. Although technically the blog never came to close I have gone for two weeks have lasted longer than my exams.
And when at last Friday to return the institute opened the blog and who returns to see an old friend, wanted to change up and down making it more like my wardrobe.

Aside from design changes, not many, I want you to recognize especially in a thing. I replaced the tiny and cumbersome menu beneath the header of four images. Two under this and the other two in the sidebar on the right.

abitual Those who read me, know that I am a disaster to keep up to date developments that come out.
The big problem I usually have is that I like to post an entry with a single book and when I have a few, or I've left any, or for 15 days first came out.
For these reasons and because they want you to be well informed I created a section within the blog you'll hang the new publications in order of release. You will be able access this contents girl in the second bar underneath the header.
If instead what you want is acidic to the list of reviews of the blog you only have to click on the bar beneath rose above the other.
For other sections of the blog you only have to look at the sidebar on the right.
and click upon what deseis consult.

the moment these are all changes that have taken my little bubble. But this mind of mine still thinks, while the light next to see my review will be delayed.

Kiss bubbly and we read.


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