Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Mexicanas Filmadas Follando

come to hear my secret. News

Today when the bell announced the time midnight come to an end there will be one of the most special days in the history of this blog.
Because today this small corner of the net meets exactly one year. This news should be greeted with fireworks and streamers only consists of my humble words, since I have tried to organize several things that have been ruined.
The second took place almost to the end. Which was a video that at this same time being loaded into You Tube and if someone has a special interest in seeing what hang tomorrow in the blog. Although it is not me, I go out openly and locking every 5 minutes xD
But as they say natural as life itself

xD And once again I'm going completely through the branches, that unusual for me XD . Do not know if any of you know me after a year reading these entries, where many Sometimes I think only I know what I mean by commas. But something that we all agree is that a year is a very long time, in the infinite things that can happen and to me that I shared with you has changed me in way, way of life. Now all organized differently. Although oddly enough because I could say little update bastantate ( or at least what I would like ) the blog is ahead of many other things in my life. This year also helped me to meet amazing people through blog, facebook or twitter. I confess I'm pretty bad establishing what is to be the first contact. But then as I let go, but what is presented people are giving me grief xD

But enough to give you the Turre, it seems that this blog only I speak. And certainly a huge part of him are all Vostros: who read that ninjas stealthily in the dark and that you you take the trouble to comment on making me smile like a fool. To all of you today, I encourage you to take part in the blog. Answering the following question:

What would you change the blog?

My mother says that birthdays are only good if they are to improve, if you tell me what you wanted to change in this new year which begins today. You can say what you will, for example: I want to post more reviews, or to have more sections like this or that, or I want you to do an interview to a writer, or to upload more news and publishing news ...

I am open to all proposals that you please me, whether we celebrate together this new year to improve the blog ^ ^


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