Saturday, April 9, 2011

Military Buggy Transformers

Film Review: "A Walk to Remember"

At least everyone can enjoy this fantastic movie (ok, but end up crying like the Virgin of the Cupcakes) and appears to be that the novel can not be. Hello? "Editorials? What about those rights for the book? Anyway ...

I leave the movie review thingy ~ and some more that may interest or be good ~ and once again enjoy this couple so special;)

Title: A Walk to Remember
Director: Adam Shankman
Studio: Warner Bros

Cast: Shane West, Mandy Moore, Peter Coyote, Darly Hannah, Al Thompson, Lauren German, Clayne Clawford
Year: 2002

100 min.

As we all know movies based on novels tend to be quite different in terms of respect and loyalty is not going to be an exception. The movie is not faithful to the book, thing that we will see over the criticism but that if is equally special, sweet and sentimental.

is Landon Carter one of the most popular high school kids and why a chulito when you say a "public front." Nothing Early in the film to see how the new guy comes into your group of friends should be initiated from the top of a tower in a factory a pond down there with such bad luck that comes pain. There we realize that Landon still hopes to change when the only one left to help the poor boy.
As there, the factory have no hooliganism charges for these guys but Landon, the only allows the police catch is that you have to assume the consequences, a punishment of Community aid to the most backward in the study of mathematics and be in the drama club.

There, in both scenarios appear Jamie Sullivan, the daughter of Rev. and everyone ignores because it is. A play, Mr. Carter is wrong and gives tutorials Jamie about to learn just join them and complete this work the Landon realizes he can not be without that girl so peculiar but that hides the secret that many already know and that will lead to a love of the most beautiful that exists in the movies.

~ Review personal ... ~

To deny it, I saw before the movie and when I did not have the slightest idea that there was a book, but I think that's another story, now I can compare both and as I have said is not true, but no longer as great as I saw that first time.

The director takes us away from the religious addressing the novel and the time when you drop the book. As you know the film is young "present" and not the youth of 1958, which is appreciated. As for religion Jamie the book while visiting orphans in the movie have the math club, more current and less religious. And never mind the play rotation has been in the film. Do you remember what it's the work? is a cabaret in which Jamie plays the role of a singer has miraculously entered the premises. In the book? Religious theme in which Jamie is an angel, well as being written by the father of Jamie and not as a young boy in the movie shows. Let
with differences but now we will focus Jamie solely because of Landon for me are more rare.

Do you remember Jamie's wish list? I will give you the refresher

  • married in the church where her mother grew up and married parents
  • Assist in the Peace Corps
  • Having a tattoo
  • Be
  • in two places at once
  • Make a medical discovery
A list increased film for us to see love that could have Jamie and Landon in the book ... It is also known that love, but with only one point which takes a while to decide (which I will not say xD)
Another thing that struck me is that passion that has starring Jamie while In the book, not, indeed, I recall that at no time made any allusion to the stars.

As for Mandy Moore's performance is perfect, I love the looks accusations from rightly and without fear of them knowing that you can never criticize anything, being the perfect daughter Rev. who has never hurt a fly. I like that look naive having loose but things like who does not like things and becoming like the one that knows nothing. I laughed a lot with her, and dazzled me with the strength of his character.

And Landon is just too easy: a parent governor to make the film more easy and dramatic happened to be a doctor. Now remember there is no significant difference can be applied to it.

Shane West (handsome he is the guy, btw) makes an incredible role and with which we all cried. Each step he took was an accumulation of more tears. T period you do for Jamie and all that the character is fascinating change its interpretation of the actor. I can not get no complaints from him or her. H ace chulito paper at first that maybe you can odiralo when with his friends, but deep down he is not well and we know it, know from that first picture when you try to save the wounded boy. Great, Shane.
So to all stakeholders as summarized in one word: plated

~ ~ Score

~ Did you know ...? ~

1 .- Shane West (Landon Carter) liked both the car I had in the movie for his character, who bought it for only $ 5,000.

2 .- The film was shot in just 39 days, despite the fact that Mandy Moore had 10 hours each day to record because at that time, Mandy was still a minor .

3 .- Jessica Simpson was considered for the role of Jamie Sullivan.
4 .- When Jamie gives Landon her mother's book, she says "Do not worry, it's not a bible." In the novel by Nicholas Sparks, Jamie gives him his mother's bible, with favorite passages underlined.

5 .- Jamie's photographs that are on the fireplace in the Sullivan house are real pictures of Mandy Moore as a child.

6 .- The inspiration for the character of Jamie Sullivan both the book and in the film is Nicholas Sparks' sister, Danielle Sparks Lewis (whom are dedicated to the movie and the book)

7 .- The novel that is based the film was one of the favorite books of Mandy Moore before accepting the role of Jamie.

~ ~ Dating and dialogues
Jamie: I have my beliefs, I have faith. Do you not?
No, there are too many bad things in the world.
Jamie: Sin el sufrimiento no habría compasión.

Eso, díselo a los que sufren
Landon: ¿ Puedo besarte?
Jamie: Quizá no sepa hacerlo.

Eso es imposible.

Jamie: Tengo miedo a que you're not with me.
Landon: That will never happen. Always with you.
Love is patient and considerate, it is never jealous. Love is never boastful or conceited, never rude or selfish, never offends or is resentful. Love has no pleasure in the sins of others and delights in the truth. He is always ready to excuse, to trust, hope and support everything he sees.

Our love is like the wind, I can not see it, but if you feel it.
(Both Jamie and Landon mention it in the movie)


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